
Tomono, T.(2021). The relationship among ambiguity tolerance, contingent self-esteem, and sense of authenticity. ICP2020+(International Congress of Psychology), Prague, Czech Republic(web).

Tomono, T.(2016). Comparing the ambiguity tolerance of Japanese and American students. IACCP2016(International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology), Nagoya, Japan.

Tomono, T.(2016). Is ambiguity tolerance an important factor that can distinguish between depression and anxiety? ICP2016(International Congress of Psychology), Yokohama, Japan.

Tomono, T.(2016). Does ambiguity tolerance play a role as buffer for anxiety? ACHP2016(Asian Congress of Health Psychology), Yokohama, Japan.

Tomono, T.(2015). Gender differences in the relationship between ambiguity tolerance and similar constructs. ECP2015(European Congress of Psychology), Milan, Italy.

Tomono, T.(2015). The relationship between ambiguity tolerance, optimism, resilience, and mental health. ICPS2015(International Convention of Psychological Science), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Tomono, T.(2014). A critical analysis of the inter-relationships among ambiguity tolerance, and other similar constructs. ECP17(17th European Conference on Personality), Lausanne, Swiss.

Tomono, T.(2014). The relationship between ambiguity tolerance and trait anxiety. ICAP2014(International Congress of Applied Psychology), Paris, France.

Tomono, T.(2013). A pilot study on developing a new ambiguity tolerance scale. ISSID2013(International Society for the Study of Individual Differences), Barcelona, Spain.

Tomono, T.(2011). The relationship between BIS/BAS, and interpersonal intolerance of ambiguity. ISSID2011(International Society for the Study of Individual Differences), London, UK.

Tomono, T.(2008). Intolerance of ambiguity, interpersonal life events, and mental health. ICP2008(International Congress of Psychology), Berlin, Germany.

Tomono, T., & Hashimoto, T.(2004). An examination of gender difference on diathesis-stress model of mental health: Interpersonal intolerance of ambiguity as a cognitive vulnerability. ACHP2004(Asian Congress of Health Psychology), Seoul, Korea.